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A good customer experience occurs when there is a valuable interaction between you and your customers. Happy customer, happy business especially with the current social media takeover, customers are 10x more likely to rant about your bad service on social media than speak to a supervisor. So, how can you make this social media work for you instead?
Ambassador shares stats and how your brand can create a great social customer service experience that keeps customers coming back for more in this infographic.

They focus on the following benefits:

71% of customers expect to receive assistance within 5 minutes of reaching out to a company.
If they don’t receive assistance in the time expected, 48% will leave the site.
92% of consumers in the UK left one business for another in the past year due to poor customer service.

Best Practices
Show your hours of business
Enable a complaints channel
Respond swiftly

Check out the infographic for more detail.

How Social Customer Service Can Help Your Business


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This article was originally published in 13 July 2018. It was most recently updated in May 3, 2024 by Wise

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