WordPress is a powerful out of the box web software, it can load a webpage in less than half a second! However, like all machines out there, negligence can leave you vulnerable to snail speed, random errors, phishing and hackers looking to take advantage of your audience and resources. Constant maintenance of WordPress websites is needed for better performance and improvement. Are you wondering how to succeed in this?
Newt Labs shares 10 WordPress maintenance tips for better website performance in this infographic.
Here are a few key points they share:
Schedule Backups
Update WordPress core, themes and plugins
Uninstall Outdated Themes and Plugins
Perform Security Scanning
Database Optimisation
Check for Broken Links
Comment Moderation
Check Your Traffic Analytics
Testing and Review Functionality
On-Page SEO
Check out the infographic for more detail.
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This article was originally published in 4 August 2018. It was most recently updated in November 25, 2022 by