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If your company has made it this far without a website, you may be asking yourself, “Do I need a website for my business?” If my business is already profitable without one, what’s the point?

Like the Internet itself, a website offers a wide range of advantages for small businesses. Regardless of the sector, a company’s internet presence may significantly influence its performance. Even in this day and age, some companies still fail to recognize that most of their clients first check out their websites before making a purchase.

Da-Manager has helped numerous companies of varying sizes claim their online presence. Organizations may hesitate to get online because they believe they lack the necessary technical skills and an understanding of how to manage a website. Other times companies are concerned about the price.

The good news is that there is a solution that will work for you. If you still need convincing without further ado, here are the top 9 reasons for you to have a Business Website in 2024

  • Your customers expect it 
  • A website gives you a Competitive Advantage
  • It builds trust 
  • Offer social proof
  • Improve brand visibility 
  • Educate potential customers 
  • Showcase your products 
  • Maximize your Return on Investment
  • Improve customer service

Read the infographics below  for more details


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This article was originally published in 10 January 2023. It was most recently updated in May 3, 2024 by Wise

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