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9 questions website visitors need your website to answer in 15 seconds are the most frequent questions that go through the visitor’s mind when they visit a website for the first time according to research. Who is a Website Visitor? A website visitor is someone who views or goes to your website. Every website’s priority is to capture and retain the interest of its visitors to convert them to prospective clients. This is why a good functional website that achieves its purpose answers the questions of its visitors in 15 seconds. Once your website answers the below questions, you have a higher chance of boosting your conversion rate. 

You need to make your website compelling and detailed, yet simple and intriguing, to make the buyer comfortable to make a possible purchase. To start, you need to ensure your website is answering the basic questions your website visitors are asking to satisfy their curiosity.

These questions and their answers are discussed below:

  1. Who are you, and What are you selling?  This is the first and most important thing you need to make your website answer.  Your priority should be to explain who you are and what product/service you provide. If this isn’t immediately clear, visitors will likely leave your website right away. So you need to state who you are, what you do and what your product is. So the first page of your website should contain your logo and products. Your website shouldn’t accommodate guesswork. 
  2. What’s in it for them, and Why should they care? This is where you need to communicate your brand’s value propositions and why they should do business with you. These are the selling points behind your products, capable of convincing your website visitors to make that purchase and subscribing to your business. This means you should pitch and promote your product/ service in a way that inspires both a need and want by your visitors. At this stage, you write the best reasons why your visitors should purchase your product or service. Include images in your value proposition next to your products. When writing your website content, like FAQs, about and other sections, let it show how you execute and what makes your business great to help build confidence with your consumers.
  3. What is the Cost?  You need to think about price sensitivity because the price of a product or service affects the visitors’ purchasing behaviour. Your price should be clear while communicating it comfortably to your site visitors. Although the prices may differ for each visitor due to their preferred choices, you can still provide answers to these questions in a way that will compel your visitors to follow their interest in the product pricing list. You should ensure your visitors can find the pricing information with a single click. In this section, you can highlight special offers, discounts or final value propositions. These actions might just be what they need to complete their purchase.
  4. What Can I Expect? In this stage, you discuss what differentiates your brand from others and establish a unique brand identity. Many website visitors want to know little about your company’s story, history, team members, values, etc. This is usually done on the “About” page. You need to accurately describe the basic product offering in a smart way to exceed the expectations of your website visitors. Accurately and concisely describe what’s included with words and images, detail ship time, delivery time and other details of the final experience, if that is important to your subscribers.
  5. Who Else is Using It? In this session, your website visitors want to know what other people think about your product or service, so providing validation of a product/service by showing reviews/testimonials and influencer endorsement will put their minds at ease to quicken their interest in converting to your prospective clients. Proven referrals are the most powerful customer acquisition methods because it show people’s experience with the brand on your website.
  6. How Can I Buy and Receive the Product? If your visitors decide to patronise you and can’t find the contact/checkout button, you are in a disadvantageous position. Your contact/checkout button should be bold, attractive and feature text with a strong call to action such as “subscribe today”, “contact us “, “ reach us”, “start your journey”, “schedule meeting”, “call us today”, “send a mail”, “speak to a consultant” or whatever else might be most poignant to your niche. Ask the most frequent questions and answer them on your contact/checkout page, product page or FAQs. This page should also tell the visitor when they will receive the product or service after making payment. These sections should be given a spot that is easy to find on the website, preferably at the top of the website. You can include a chat box that automatically pops up.
  7. Can I Navigate Your Site With Ease? Your average online visitor has little attention or time to spare. So the visitors should be able to get their bearings within a few seconds, not minutes. 50% of website visitors use the navigation process to determine if they want to stay on the site or leave. If your site’s navigation is overly complex, you are not doing your website any favours. So make your website navigation simple and straightforward as soon as possible, enabling visitors to find what they are looking for seamlessly through your site without wasting too much mental energy.
  8. Can I Trust You? You must establish at least a baseline level of trust right from the beginning and remove every hint of doubt from your credibility. Your website should include the following to earn its visitors’ trust, the company’s physical address, a list of your phone numbers, provide basic product return information, and place a link to your policies. Make sure your website looks professional with a visually appealing design, high-quality images and so on. If you are positioning your business as the best source of a certain service or product, you will need to list out some qualifications that will impress your visitors and drive home the feeling of authenticity about your business. A brief story about your brand helps people feel compassion and that your business is human. This action should be taken in the “About page’’ section.
  9. How do I Cancel? Most people would like to know how to cancel a subscription with ease. They might not want to fill out a form or submit a survey just to get a request in the hands of an agent. So make your cancellation policy simple and straightforward. When you make the cancellation easy, it makes the visitors satisfied and most likely to return.


website visitors


In conclusion, It’s important to remember that you have only a little time to impress website visitors and convince them to patronise you. So understanding the most common questions that arise in visitors’ minds is essential for creating a positive experience and overall functionality of your site. This will result in a higher engagement, lower bounce rate and increased conversions. Are you looking for a trusted company to help build and host your website? Da-Manager is your go-to. Contact us now and get your desired website.

This article was originally published in 27 April 2021. It was most recently updated in June 28, 2024 by Isah Progress

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