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What is PPC?

PPC or pay-per-click is a type of internet marketing which involves advertisers paying a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Simply, you only pay for advertising if your ad is clicked on. It’s essentially a method of ‘buying’ visits to your site, in addition to driving website visits organically.

How Does PPC Work?

PPC is based on keywords, for example, in search engines, online ads only appear when someone searches a keyword related to the product or service being advertised.
However, businesses that use pay-per-click advertising strategies research and evaluate the keywords most relevant to their services or products. Investing in appropriate keywords can lead to more clicks and, therefore, more profits.

The PPC model is considered to be beneficial for both advertisers and publishers. For advertisers, the model is advantageous because it provides an opportunity to advertise products or services to a specific audience actively searching for related content.

A well-designed PPC advertising campaign allows an advertiser to save a substantial amount of money as the value of each visit (click) from a potential customer exceeds the cost of the click paid to a publisher.

Why PPC?

Pay-per-click advertising, also known as PPC ads, is one of the most popular promotional tools on the Internet. Wondering why to use PPC advertising, here are 4 reasons that may convince you:

It’s Targeted

Your audience can be according to demographics, it shows your ads based on keywords, interests, age, language, and gender. By doing this, you may market your products and services to the people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer.

It’s Cost Effective.

It is cost-effective because, you only pay when a user reaches your website, it can be a good value for money. You can choose to spend as much or as little as you like.

Brand Recognition

PPC allows you to choose specific keywords that are relevant to your sector so that whenever someone searches for those keywords, your advertising will appear.

Although generic keywords won’t improve sales, they do indirectly assist you in building brand awareness and position your company as an authority and industry leader.

It’s Fast.

PPC makes it possible to reach audiences fast, as you pay to get your ads in front of specific audiences.

10 Common PPC Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Lack of defined campaign goals
  2. Not using optimized landing pages
  3. Attempting to scale up too quickly
  4. Not using negative keywords
  5. Bad ad copy
  6. Not tracking your goal
  7. Poor quality score
  8. Making technical mistake
  9. Having a bad website
  10. Not understanding PPC advertising

Lack of defined campaign goals

One major mistake marketers make when creating a PPC campaign is failing to set a specific/defined goal. It is impossible to check your progress if goals and objectives are not set. Take time to set out what you want to achieve before launching your PPC campaign so you can determine whether your efforts are paying off.

Attempting to scale up too quickly

One major mistake new PPC-ers is trying to do too much. This can lead to wasted and weak performance because you try to do everything and anything. The keywords that are most relevant in business should be focused on. Focus on keywords that have a purchase intent.

Not using negative keywords

Negative keywords are used to prevent your ads from showing to people who are actively searching queries unrelated to the services or products you provide. In turn, this allows your business to reach the best potential audience whilst efficiently spending your campaign budget and avoiding wasting money on clicks that just won’t convert.

Bad ad copy

If your ads are not properly written it will lead to low click rates. When creating your ad, it is important to create compelling headlines and descriptions that clearly explain what you are offering and grab the user’s attention. Ensure to use words that resonate with your target audience and that your ad is related to the keywords that you are using.

Not tracking your goal

It is one thing to have a goal it is another thing to be able to track it.
How do you know you are more leads?

To know if you are getting more leads you have to keep track of phone calls coming to your business, and form submissions coming through your website don’t forget your offline leads also.

Some individuals merely monitor site impressions and clicks, however, without monitoring conversions (engagements), you won’t be able to manage or evaluate your campaign effectively.

You must be fully aware of both the source and identity of all incoming communications to your company. You won’t be able to judge whether or not your campaign was successful if you don’t do this.

Poor quality score

Quality score is a diagnostic tool meant to give you a sense of how well your ad quality compares to other advertisers.

This score is measured on a scale from 1-10 and is available at the keyword level.

When writing an Ad copy, it’s important to focus on creating compelling headlines and descriptions that grab the user’s attention and clearly explain what you are offering.

Making technical mistake

When managing a PPC campaign, another major mistake to avoid is technical mistakes. Technical mistakes might range from poor keyword bid management to poor ad targeting. To guarantee that your advertisements are being displayed to the appropriate audiences and that you are not wasting money on pointless searches, it is important to double-check all of your settings and make sure, that everything is set up correctly.

Having a bad website

You might focus on keywords and ad copy when running a PPC campaign. But you must be aware that if your website is the endpoint for searchers. So, your website must be fully optimised, look good and have a good user experience.
If you have a bad website, it doesn’t matter how “good” your PPC campaign is—your leads won’t go anywhere.

Not understanding PPC advertising

Understanding PPC can be quite difficult. The reason some people pick it up as a career. Before you go into PPC advertising make sure you learn about PPC and its various platforms. If not so you will be spending a lot of money and not getting ROI (Return On Investment)


When you avoid the mistakes mentioned in the post and a PPC campaign is properly carried out it takes your business to a new level.




This article was originally published in 6 February 2023. It was most recently updated in July 30, 2024 by Isah Progress

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